This was by far one of the craziest and funnest weekends I have had in quite a while. Only 0ne thing could have added to it's attraction : my best friends ...aka Sarah, Enge, and Rebecca. Alas these are things i couldn't have. BUT! I did have my awesome new roommate Suzanne. It all began on a friday night....
Friday Rockin' Awesome Dance: This stake dance (i was not a member of said stake) consisted of Noel, Suzanne and I being trend setters and rocking out to the live band. I think this band only had one person under

the age of 45 in it. Never the less we danced our hearts out! I love how dances just end up being 2 hours of cardio. I had not been to a dance in a long time and for sure it was high time.
And here was where the weekend began! Unfortunatley Friday night had to be cut short in order for me to aquire an ample amount of sleep for a callback I had the next morning. So I woke up at 7:30 (an hour to sleep in! woot!) and was at the callback by 9. It went really well, but by the end of the THREE hour callback I was wondering if i indeed would recieve a part. This had been my third call back in less than 1 1/2 weeks. The great thing about these was that i knew my audition rocked and i knew i had done my best. So overall i knew for sure if i didn't get into these plays that it was for a reason. The big guy upstairs knows more that me!
so the callback ended around 12 and from there i had to book it up to work.......
Work at good ol' Aspen Grove
Oh how can i describe how much i have loved working at Aspen Grove. My times at aspen grove have been one of the biggest influences to some many aspects in my life. I can't even begin to describe how much of myself and my growth as a person is due to my times at AG.
so once again i had the opportunity to hang out with awesome kids all day and call it work. We played marshmello wars, mafia, Castle camo and had an overall good time. The best part (which is kinda prideful) was that this age group was a lot older than the kids i had this summer...hence...they understood more intelligent wit and humor that i so naturally have ;)

After completing work, i got in my car only to discover that i had a voicemail. The voicemail was from the director of the show i auditioned for and he offered me a part. Man guys...oh just wait it gets even better.
ConcertLuckily for me a nice girl at the callback told me about a Rooney Concert going down at Spoon Me (local yogurt place...kind gross...but kinky name!) Rooney has been one of my favorites ever since a dear friend aka SARAH introduced me. Ever since then we have basked in cruel and womanizing lyrics that Robert Carmine (Lead Singer) so attractivly belts out. For example : "I'm a terrible person. I read her diary. I'm not to be trusted. I told all of her secret to the guys in town. They all laugh and give me high fives. oh ya!"
I know what you're thinking mom, oh wow! what a good influence. No! Great example!!!! of boys not to date or trust or let see my diary!
Anyways! This blog is getting legnthy so i'll sum it up. I saw them, i swooned. The highlight: I reached my hand out to Robert as he as walking offstage maybe for some of his sweaty talent to

rub off but instead i recieve and a pull his other hand on my shoulder...PLUS INCHES AWAY FROM HIS FACE he said to me....and get ready now..."Thank you very much." whew! i could have kissed him. I think it would have ruined the moment going from, "hey! her's a girl that would like to shake my hand because she enjoys my music," to ,"Hey! here's a girl that just wants me for my bod." .....both which are true.
SundayAnd this is where the wonderful weekend comes to an end...kinda. (I am going to include FHE)
I drove up to Sandy to see my bestest friend Enge give her Farewell talk before leaving on her mission to Taiwan. I think i cried more that her during the talk. Sarah and Enge's friendship has been priceless to me and i will miss it dearly whilst they serve the lord. Enge talk was incredibly eloquent and poised. Her talent never ceases to amaze me.
Anyone who knows me, knows of my love for the institution also known as Family Home Evening. My ward is also very entertaining. Combine the two and you have winning combination. For FHE we played "Lovers Leap." This is a very brutal game to get to know someone. Luckily the lucky guy who chose me as his partner was just as competitive as i was. AFter FHE we then had a stage combat fight. We are planning to do this on campus, staged as a lovers quarrel. The Highlight was that i had the privledge of participating a group movie project involving a confidencial Gorrilla suit. Let's just say that who ever gave me a ride home didn't want to take the monkey suit off just to put it back on again ....did i mention that he drives a scooter? Oh what a night. A scooter ride with boy in a monkey suit with the wind whipping my hair and the gorrilla's hair into my face. I could not stop laughing. At one point we talked about how his monkey suit was keeping me warm...a conversation i hope to have once again someday.
THUS CONCLUDES the wild and crazy weekend. Please respond. build me up.