1. I threw the Javelin in high school. Never made it to state (103 ft) but I did place fourth in region and 7th at an invitational
2. At my first swim meet I was so nervous that I dove in and just started kicking! Sadly I forgot that I was supposed to be doing breast stroke and was DQed
3.I have been a fan of britney spears since my sister first bought me the CD when i was twelve
4.I have a dented rib...seriously, it slopes in.
5. One time when i was little and on the kiddy swings at lagoon, I wanted to see what would happen if i flipped my mom off. I did. All i remember was her face went from" Hi Alice! I love you!" to "What did my little girl just do???!!!"
6.The highlight of my day is eating. i am so sad when it's over cause then it is soooo long till i get to eat next.
7. When I talk about a guy i think is cute or have a crush on or something that makes me really happy...My eyes water.
8.I have broken five bones. Arm (jumping out of the swings at Gmas), Nose (a kid in Elementary school ran into me), Finger (flirting), Finger (slammed in a door...5 stitches too)...i always forget teh last one. OH!! Foot ( dancing. I fell off the stage)
9.I am really good at keeping secrets for other people but seem to have a disfunction where i can't keep them about myself.
10. My dream callings are Girls camp director and FHE MOM.
11. as a result from watching willow at a very young and skewed age, I was terrified of little people for a good portion of my life. Seriously, name a movie in which they are not attacking someone.
12. I sleep with my blanket covering everything but my mouth. i never leave on trips without my comforter. It's heaven in blanket form.
13. I have had three injuries where the wounds came out like smily faces, inlcuding eyes. and yes i have pictures to prove it 1) my sister dropped a straightener on my foot. 2) Shot with a very powerful paintball 3) slammed my finger in a door and it cut it in half.
14. I was almost demolished my a falling tree in the forest!!!
15. When i was little my brother told me that there were gremlins in the Downstair bathroom. I can't tell you how many years of my life were spent upstairs because of that lie.
16. I grew up in Littleton, Colorado.
17. I was the technology student of the year at my high school
18. i have a talent where i can bounce my quads to "Eye of the Tiger"
19. I have never died my hair
20. i can bend my fingers backward to make a 90 degree angle from my palm
21. I love love love Halo 3! I adapt my "run out and shoot everyone even if it means you have to sacrafice yourself" policy when i enjoy such activities as paintball and laser tag, which i love as well.
22. I want to be purposed to under a willow tree at dusk
23. One time when i was little my brother walked in on my trying to hypnotize our dog.
24. I love animals- monkeys are my favorite Ever since i saw an article about helper monkeys with a picture of a monkey feeding a woman pudding.
25. The only thing that can capture my attention more than a good moive or play is children
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
What the blog?!
Three "what the" moments...
1)My mom is now on facebook
2)I meant Bronco Mendenhall and apparently was the only one to freak out about it.
3)Thinking about the fact that i actually made and consumed a grilled PB&J with chocolate chip sandwhich.
1)My mom is now on facebook
2)I meant Bronco Mendenhall and apparently was the only one to freak out about it.
3)Thinking about the fact that i actually made and consumed a grilled PB&J with chocolate chip sandwhich.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Rollllll....BOUNCE! Classico skating con Rebecca

Last night my old roommate and I went classic skating. She is so pro that she went straight for the roller skates. I, however, Am not as hard core and went for the inlines. I only had one thought in my mind as i hit the skate floor....ROOOLLLLL bounce! Roll bounce is this really funny movie in which young children pass their time developing routines in order to become the skater with the sweetest moves in the state. The best part about this movie has to be (can't remember his name) the guy that is also in pushing daisies. I love blunt humor.
So we went with reba's ward and since no one in that ward knows me at all i felt so free. HAHA you can't judge me cause you don't know me! Reba and I tore it up!!!
The one disheartening thing was that after i had seen roll bounce i just wanted to ge out there and do it.. I do have some talent within the ice skating area but roller skates are by far harder! Dang it...those inner city punk kids have some secret power that allow them to do all that. That i am sure of. Anyways by the end of the night i could do a Backwards crossovers, jump in the air, quick switch,spin and a waltz jump (twice cause after that my body chickened out). NExt time? back flip. But all in all that was THE funnest night of classic skating i have experienced. Can't wait to go again...maybe when i have money.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Classes and work and life and love and other L words....like Lollypops
Anyways. I don't really know what to expect from this semester. I have never before experienced wanting to take so many credits and classes. There were just so many i was so sad to see go! But as i approached the end of the first week of classes i had to accept the fact that i would rather take it less and do well then suck it up! so sadly i had to drop Tap dance and Humanities.
I did this because i need to focus on ACTF and getting a job. Speaking of which, I had an interview/audition today. I was offered this interview at the MTC for being an investigator. They really want Actors to help the missionaries get really into it. I am suprised how into i got! really...i felt like i was in my house and i had completely no idea what was going! HA! it was really fun! I don't know yet if i have the job but i am very hopful. If not...meh. Something else for me. But lets just face it. I need money.
Life is so good. I love my suesical and NAtalIE. They are so good to me. I am just constantly laughing. My ward is so fun and the new bishop rick is HIlarious.
Love...hmmm. love it. how fun it is. Let's address this subject later when i have an idea of what da heck be goin' on. boo! I really like a thought that came to me as us roommates bonded, as we do, "It's really hard to imagine a man that is going to be worth all this." My roommates have informed me that i am really bad at being hard to get. This i know to be true. I dont know what it is about me but i am going to assume it is a good quality. i just need to learn to be more assertive and say no! I'll say something on this subject. Boys...what the crap. be a man. dont ask a girl to do something with you and then pansy out of any responsibility like location and rides. come on men. That's something a GIRLFRIEND should OFFER. hmmmm Not impressed, we are. (that was yoda incase you didn't get it) This is really a lot of information...but let's be honest. I write a lot. Maybe one of my loved ones will read it.
Lollies. i love them. Onestop, how i love you and the sugar you give a stressed out woman.
I did this because i need to focus on ACTF and getting a job. Speaking of which, I had an interview/audition today. I was offered this interview at the MTC for being an investigator. They really want Actors to help the missionaries get really into it. I am suprised how into i got! really...i felt like i was in my house and i had completely no idea what was going! HA! it was really fun! I don't know yet if i have the job but i am very hopful. If not...meh. Something else for me. But lets just face it. I need money.
I do have a class though that will be interesting ....hahah Musical scene study. i was partnered with a man who i have had trouble working with before. Conflicting personalities that's all. and what scene did we get??? oh that's right. The one where he falls on top of me in a permiscuous position for several minutes. dang i love acting. I get to act like i like that and then be fine the next minute. Oh and we sing...and dance. Our scene really rocks though to tell you the truth.
Two dance classes this semester. Modern and Jazz. Woot! My dance teacher has thus far complimented me on my straight back in an exercise and pretty much my modern run cannot be topped...unless there was someone with another person on their shoulders doing a the same thing.
Life is so good. I love my suesical and NAtalIE. They are so good to me. I am just constantly laughing. My ward is so fun and the new bishop rick is HIlarious.
Love...hmmm. love it. how fun it is. Let's address this subject later when i have an idea of what da heck be goin' on. boo! I really like a thought that came to me as us roommates bonded, as we do, "It's really hard to imagine a man that is going to be worth all this." My roommates have informed me that i am really bad at being hard to get. This i know to be true. I dont know what it is about me but i am going to assume it is a good quality. i just need to learn to be more assertive and say no! I'll say something on this subject. Boys...what the crap. be a man. dont ask a girl to do something with you and then pansy out of any responsibility like location and rides. come on men. That's something a GIRLFRIEND should OFFER. hmmmm Not impressed, we are. (that was yoda incase you didn't get it) This is really a lot of information...but let's be honest. I write a lot. Maybe one of my loved ones will read it.
Lollies. i love them. Onestop, how i love you and the sugar you give a stressed out woman.
Musical Scene Study,
What to blog...what to blog
I just wanted to update on some entertaining and crazy shtuff.
Last week (the first week of school) was Hilarious because it was non stop!!! my crazy days in which class ended at three and 11 went til like 7 at night! good grief. The most stressful time was because i was scrambling to get all my Scenes for ACTF taken care of. I found them, cut them and got the rights all in under 12 hours.. SHEESH!
One day when walking to school...and this is funny... I saw someone from a distance. The funny this about this was that i recognized this person and certain waves of anger or sadness or anything could have knocked me flat. Nope! not this mind. The first think that popped into my head was none other than the dear words of our Sweedish best friends : I was cheated by you and i think you know when! So i made up my mind it must come to an end. Look at me know...."
You get the point. Right after this all my greek servants jumped out from behind the tennis courts and we did a dance number. This is my life.
Last week (the first week of school) was Hilarious because it was non stop!!! my crazy days in which class ended at three and 11 went til like 7 at night! good grief. The most stressful time was because i was scrambling to get all my Scenes for ACTF taken care of. I found them, cut them and got the rights all in under 12 hours.. SHEESH!
One day when walking to school...and this is funny... I saw someone from a distance. The funny this about this was that i recognized this person and certain waves of anger or sadness or anything could have knocked me flat. Nope! not this mind. The first think that popped into my head was none other than the dear words of our Sweedish best friends : I was cheated by you and i think you know when! So i made up my mind it must come to an end. Look at me know...."
You get the point. Right after this all my greek servants jumped out from behind the tennis courts and we did a dance number. This is my life.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Story of a Cookie.
Brian Stokes Mitchell Cookie
I just thought i would finish up the story of my lover, Brian Stokes Mitchell. We had a great couple of weeks. Then one day I went check on him and I found a horrific sight. I found my dear lover of a cookie limbless in the bag.
I felt in order to honor the memory of this dear cookie, I had to do the impossible. Slowly I brought Brian to my mouth and with a heartfelt flex of my jaw muscle, i bit down eating his left arm....mmmm....then his legs...oooo...then his head. Brian...you are so tasty. That's right everyone!!!( and by everyone I mean Karen-my only true reader who leaves good comments) this cocoa frosted cookie of mine was just as delicious as he looked.
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