In the words of Enigo- let me 'splain. no. let me sum up.
Anyone who knows me can easily say, I don't mind attention. There are times when even i will grab that attention to where i am situated in the center of it. BUT! Iwill stand by the fact that MOST of the time i don't not seek this attention out. It comes to me when i least expect it. I walk into rooms in the middle of a prayer, or somehow it is me everyone listens to as I tell a story (Ok, I do have a loud voice, but that just proves my point)...alas, It has come to my knowledge that it is, indeed, a Super Hero Power. I AM AgG!
Anyone who knows me can easily say, I don't mind attention. There are times when even i will grab that attention to where i am situated in the center of it. BUT! Iwill stand by the fact that MOST of the time i don't not seek this attention out. It comes to me when i least expect it. I walk into rooms in the middle of a prayer, or somehow it is me everyone listens to as I tell a story (Ok, I do have a loud voice, but that just proves my point)...alas, It has come to my knowledge that it is, indeed, a Super Hero Power. I AM AgG!