Prepare yourself...this post is going to get a bit concieted.
Lately I have been noticing that most of the compliments i recieve revolve around a certain topic. ok not all the compliments but My eyes and my bangs and hair are constantly reminding people of disney princesses. For example : "Alice i always love your bangs! they look like The little mermaid's bangs." And then I ask myself, "In or out of the water?"
I mean check these puppies out! even whilst kissing this hunk of a man they still potrude a good three inches from her face....i'll take it.other such qualitiesinclude: ability to speak to animals, incredible cleaning skills, and the ability to woo men within in days.

Apparently i am the live action version of the Disney princess Walt forgot to create. Any suggestions of a name and story?
Yes, you are right...that was a bit conceited but this is the place to do it...right? Pocahontas had awesome clothes? She tried to look demure through the look on her face, however only ever succeeded with pulling off "slut". Sorry kiddo but your clothes are way way better. I get the animals thing and the ability to woo guys within days. Overall though, you are truly a disney princess!
my favorite disney princess is like you Pocahontas !! =D
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