Brian Stokes Mitchell Cookie
I just thought i would finish up the story of my lover, Brian Stokes Mitchell. We had a great couple of weeks. Then one day I went check on him and I found a horrific sight. I found my dear lover of a cookie limbless in the bag.
I felt in order to honor the memory of this dear cookie, I had to do the impossible. Slowly I brought Brian to my mouth and with a heartfelt flex of my jaw muscle, i bit down eating his left arm....mmmm....then his legs...oooo...then his head. are so tasty. That's right everyone!!!( and by everyone I mean Karen-my only true reader who leaves good comments) this cocoa frosted cookie of mine was just as delicious as he looked.
so cute...although i was actually thinking (for the first 1.5 seconds that you actually had a real lover and if that was the case we were going to have to have a chat about using that word....YUCK!) so funny! i am not your only reader...only 1 out of every 23 people to read a blog will leave a comment. install a counter so you can feel better!
hi! go to my blog and at the very very bottom is a counter. click on it and it will take you to a site to install one for free! easy, fun, and now you owe me $25 for the idea!
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