Gifts are hard in my family. No matter how many hints i have dropped, i will some how always end up with a towel. Now i don't mean to say that i haven't gotten some sweet gifts that i have wanted...not at all. I remember when i wanted a bike. I got a bike. Cd player. Cd player.
No, i just mean to say that with my parents, they cannot be trusted to take mental notes of something you noticed one time, or "I thought this would look good on you" or "Jesus told me to get you these hot pair of shoes." Nope that does not happen. You must be open and honest with what you want, where to purchase it and if there is anyother place that it may be aquired for a cheaper price.
Anyways, my birthday is coming up and of course, when put on the spot, i have no idea what i want. ...A...swim suit? But right here and now i want to state that this present would be SWEET to get for my 22nd birthday!!
But let me just tell you right now it's not gonna happen. In the words of the Irish guy that gets shot in titanic, I'm more likely to have angel flyin' out of me arse that to get close to the likes of her.
Can i just point out one thing. I am reading Farenheit 451 right now....and this thing's name is "Kindle." like fire kindling?? WTF. so it begins.
1 comment:
you better get yourself a freakin' masters and a freakin' good job so that you can start paying for these presents yourself. good luck! p.s. since i am currently your main commenter (come on people! leave some love) please please remove the word verification? please!
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