Tonight was an adventure...Shakespearean style! To sum up- A workshop with the Grassroots Shakespeare Company. Monday : Receive the script. I learn that I will be performing as Horatio in the last scene of the play. For those not so into Hamlet, Horatio delivers the last lines (a monologue) of the play. Talk about intimidating. He is also the only character left alive to mourn. To say the least i was petrified. Thursday: Memorizing ALL DAY. Check this out. I memorized a scene in a day. About 20 rehearsed the whole show for 3 HOURS!! then we performed it for the public. Talk about a rush.
My last monologue went great. Even despite "Beauty and the Beast" performing outside not 1 block from where we were, every went well. Apparently the music totally went in time with my mono and finished even when i did. I, however, Did not notice this at all. I was being in the moment :)
To check out Grassroots Shakespeare Company click this link.
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