Sunday, June 26, 2011

Brace for the Plunge

After month and months of stressing i found out that my $30K surgery was...wait for it..APPROVED by the insurance. This means not being in debt for 30 years. This was the biggest stresser about the idea of surgery and braces. But don't worry, the surgical coordinator at Dr. Stosich's office saved the day!

So then after waiting a couple months to hear back from the New Testament project with slowest casting job I've even seen in my life, I go myself some braces!!

The night before the big plunge, I threw a little "Say Goodbye to Alice's ability to eat corn" party. What a hit! People brought all the foods I wouldn't be able to eat for a long time: Apples, candy, caramel, chips and, of course, corn on the cob. A ton of people showed up and there was plenty of corn for everyone.

And then, at 2:45pm I had my appointment. I got in the chair, they sat me back and glued on my cage! It was crazy how quickly i got used to them. I've had braces before so that might account for it. I've said it many times before but if anyone's personality can pull off braces, it's mine. Braces have in NO WAY negatively impacted my life...except that I can't eat drumsticks as easily, but now I just use a spoon. :)

With adjustments every 3 weeks and my amazing orthodontist Brian Graf and I'll be ready for Jaw Surgery in December. Before that, however, it appears that my constricted airways is one of the causes of my screwed up jaw/teeth. I'm guessing that mid August I'll be going in for surgery to make it so I can breathe.
Corn Party!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Let the fun begin. Braces, surgery, and more surgery!!

I'm on the quest to fix my face. Now you might be think, "oh geesh, Alice, you're face is fine, great to stunning even , I'd say." I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, my friends, underneath this polished shell, i have a osteo-dysfunctional interior.

The Jaw...dun nuh nuh nuh...Come along and hear my tale

Somewhere in my development...or perhaps because my mother punched her stomach whilst I resided in her womb (which I'm sure was deserved) bottom jaw decided not to grow in sync with its superior, yet still dysfunctional upper jaw. As a result my mouth does not fit together in the form of an open and overbite.

But why now, Alice? Why when you're 23? That's a good question, I'm glad you asked. Because, my avid reader (who most likely looks and acts identical to an invisible person), I was blessed to have orthodontics in small town called Price, Utah with some idiot city-jumping Dentist who decided to try his hand at fixing my jagged teeth. And when I say jagged, i mean jagged. He did well enough but left me unfinished, yet told me I was finished.

But then a miracle top permanent retainer broke off. I went into Dr. Brian Graf's office for a consultation (to hopefully just get a new retainer)...oh wait.

He informed me that needed Jaw surgery with abt a year of braces...waaa waa...

This must needs be fixed. I'm going to post the rest of the journey in several posts so that it's not a novel

But here is a big fat before in my ignorance. You can kind of see how my jaw is back a bit...and how i'm sinning by slot machine