I guess i'm just so terrified that something will screw up and I'll go back to the way I am now. I could care less about the pain or the discomfort. I can take it. I just want it to look good, i want it to be even, and I don't want to get hit in the face a month later and screw the whole thing up! I was climbing into bed the other day and hit MYSELF in the face...oh heaven help me.
It's so hard after the first orthodontist I had to just trust these incredibly qualified specialist with the result of my most complimented feature. oh my gosh i need to calm down. But wouldn't you be worried if your were forking our like 10K and your face?! And it was all in the hands of two men...whom, i don't know! Are they good people?? Do they like me as a person? If I wine too much, will they do the equivalent of spitting in my burger by screwing up my face?!
Dear Dr. Graff, Dear. Dr. Stosich...i love you guys...please do me well.
Update of my face!