Saturday, September 19, 2009
Let's Just Say...
Heart and Soul. Byu football. i have been there every year since i was a freshman. FInally! finally, we were getting some where. And not just anywhere. We were headed to the top. Tonight i watched our ranking and chance of a championship slip by. No, not 'slip by.' I saw it get turned over, fumbled, intercepted, and allowed to pass by walls of muscle.
I have never felt tears from football until tonight. I Stayed till the last second. They're my Cougars and I love them. But i really don't have to like them right now. The hurt runs too deep. Not tonight baby, I'm tired.
Friday, September 18, 2009
sleep, eat, school, rehearsal, sleep, eat, work, rehearsal
-I am sure you wont' assume like my nephew did that i am hurt. I am not.
I also have a WDA class or otherwise known as Writer's directors Actors workshop. Today the actors in the class were asked to participate in an improv scene. Usually these go very well but today a VERY shy and awkward girl decided to give it a go. More power to her, i am all for that. good for her. The scene was a disaster, with her wanting the most difficult scenario possible using magic and such. Unfortuantley i wasn't able to be much help for her, granted i was giving her a lot acting wise. My character was sadly the biggest epitome of evil, so sadly that giving was in the ways as the character.
My other two shows keep in rehearsals 5 hours a day. Loving it! seriously everyone goes, aww i'm sorry. are you kidding Me? I get to go and do what i LOVE for half my day. This is my homework. i love these shows because in both of them i'm pretty good parts but i dont' have many lines! ha! little memorizing, more time to connect and work on my acting.
Which brings me to my next decision in life. Preparing for Grad school/ preparing mentally to enter the business if grad schools don't want me. I am considering the best ones- and don't i deserve the best? My biggest choice would be Denver Center. I can only hope and pray and rely on my talent. Which i should guess those three things will be enough if it's what it should be. k. If anyone has and other MFA suggestions or audition advice, please let me know!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday School stokes my humor juices
The Answers. "Jaradites. Nephites. Lehi. Colombus."
My Answer. "Captured Slaves."
The correct answer: D. All of the above.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Schuyler buyler!
Schuyler: oh man! Jordan thought you were my girl friend
Alice: o...k...
Schuyler:He says sorry
Alice: Do you have a girlfriend?
Schyler: Not yet...*giggle*
alice: Not yet?? haha well good!
Schuyler: well ya not yet, but theres a lot to choose from at my ward
Alice: Haha! well that's good...choice is always good.
Schuyler: Ya its like a menu, ya know? I'm can just choose one off the menu
My nephew is 12 yrs. old and he already has a cell phone and a menu.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Do I have your Attention?

Anyone who knows me can easily say, I don't mind attention. There are times when even i will grab that attention to where i am situated in the center of it. BUT! Iwill stand by the fact that MOST of the time i don't not seek this attention out. It comes to me when i least expect it. I walk into rooms in the middle of a prayer, or somehow it is me everyone listens to as I tell a story (Ok, I do have a loud voice, but that just proves my point)...alas, It has come to my knowledge that it is, indeed, a Super Hero Power. I AM AgG!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Big 22
I started the day with a wonderful bacon and egg breakfast brought to you by my roommate. I love Bacon! Then i went on to work, and had a rockin awesome day, wringing in a lot of commission! It was all going so great. I was finished making a lot of money so i was ready to go home and get ready for the birthday dinner and bash. Olive Garden and my roommates baking. yum yum!
I get out to my car and tada! it doesn't start. So for my birthday i got a huge car check-my birthday present from dad and a ride in a tow truck- present from all state auto insurance. At least the tow guys hit on me.
So i got all spiffy for the birthday night that i would share with my dear jeffery howard pierce. so i called ahead for our group of 15 reservation and tada! theylost it. haha, well at least the waiter hit on me....ok that part was an exaggeration cause i inadvertantly hit on him. He came over to fill my glass but the balloons were in the way and he said, " I assuming i am standing by the birthday girl?" and in a voice that came out much more seductive than originally intended i replie"...I am."
To top it all off, i started to think that this birthday we definately more eventful than the last save for on minor detail. No one had smooched me. haha....Jeff to care of that ;)
Secret Loves
2. My friend Janeen. She never fails to offer a listening and advisory ear. Holy cow this woman is amazing. Ify ou are ever confused, just go talk to her. She's better than dr. laura and hotter than megan fox.
3. Watching movies by myself.
4,5,6. Big Brother. Holy crap i love this show. The best part is that you become so addicted, even the 3 times a week are not enough. The break from thursday to sunday is tough! Go Jeff!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Vote for my picture!
Vote for my picture here
Monday, June 22, 2009
Photo moments- Last week. So jam packed

Tools Don't belong in Hot Tubs. They get rusty.
This is my favorite new phrase that i have come up with. On Saturday night the gang (myself, two girls apartments that i practically live with and will soon live with, and two boys from the blue house) went to the University villa Hot Tub. There were some boys there. Holy attention they gave me. I might have been flattered by this save for the fact that someguy friends that i was with teased me (they can cause they are my friends) and told the other boys in the hot tub that i was a player/heart breaker. And with that little snippet of information, faster than the ears of a dog stand up, their attention peaked.All this attention included what one could expect in the second grade: insults about schools, majors,being a drama queen, and splashing water right into my face. Well guess what boys? I didn't get that kind of flirting then, and even now i don't want it. Luckily they made their rounds tothe other girls in the pool. Then i chatted it up with the redeeming quality of all of them combined- a nice man. By this time the hot tub got really, really hot, so i moved into the pool. Not 1 minute after i did, one of the boys jumped in. We chatted...bla bla bla. I moved back into the hot tub.
Then my friends started chanting my name to do a flip in the pool, naturally i gave into peer pressure and got back in the hot tub. Got to hot, moved to the pool. Tool boy moved into the pool tool. i got back in the hot tub. So did he. wow. THis time it was just a test. I got back in the pool. Sure enough tool boy did too, as did his tool friend. Tool friend started teasing me about how he was gonna dunk me. come on. So i was like just get it over with. He was like oh i am not gonna do it once you give up. "Good" i said " i win" so i got back in the hot tub. Oh man!!! i forgot to mention this part! tool boy mentioned italy which peaked my interest. I said "Italian! really" BAM! before i could say anything else he full on splashed me in the face with water. Oh you better believe i gave him attitude after that- that was the point he started following but not making conversation.
It didn't bother me that much the whole thing but i was just shocked at the maturity level of these boys...and they were all older but yes i am calling them boys. it was really fun giving annoyed looks to each other about the tools haha. The blue house boys protected me from them. haha At one point my friend joe was like- "alice this is what we work out for. so we can protect ladies in distress such as yourself." I said, "Awww joe, you think i am a damsel?" he said, "haha yes alice i think you are a damsel." I said ( in a genuine and flattered tone), "joe! that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me and i had to feed it to you." haha It was a fun night. the top to a good weekend. good week actually.
Jon stood for my honor and virtue. he is the man who will fight for my honor.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Felony? Or moment to serve. A Great Story for My 50th post
Well, you can assume what happened next. We started to investigate a way into the mail box. Some call it a felony, others call it an act of service. We proceeded to try every possible way leading to my hand wedging in between the walls of mailboxes pulling magazines, packages, letters after letters and eventually....burr baaadaa daaa!!! an envelope including social security card! We spent an hour out there! It was so much fun i didn't even notice. This young man rushed off and made it in time to turn in his card 13 minutes to five. whew!
I really should have taken a picture of my hand. Well, it looks better than the mailbox...just kidding ....sort of. :P
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday in the Park with Shakes

Tonight was an adventure...Shakespearean style! To sum up- A workshop with the Grassroots Shakespeare Company. Monday : Receive the script. I learn that I will be performing as Horatio in the last scene of the play. For those not so into Hamlet, Horatio delivers the last lines (a monologue) of the play. Talk about intimidating. He is also the only character left alive to mourn. To say the least i was petrified. Thursday: Memorizing ALL DAY. Check this out. I memorized a scene in a day. About 20 rehearsed the whole show for 3 HOURS!! then we performed it for the public. Talk about a rush.
My last monologue went great. Even despite "Beauty and the Beast" performing outside not 1 block from where we were, every went well. Apparently the music totally went in time with my mono and finished even when i did. I, however, Did not notice this at all. I was being in the moment :)
To check out Grassroots Shakespeare Company click this link.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Swine flu...ridiculous
I have been feeling alittle cold like lately. Then i come home from the play i went to see tonight and guess what?? Two of the three girls in apt 206(the apt. i practically live in, Jen, nikki and Erin)have Swine flu. Well they are saying their symptoms started out like mine. I doubt that. I don't even feel sick...well that sick. Yesterday sucked I have now submitted to the force that only jedi's and mothers possess. "You will go to urgent care...Ya... i will go to urgent care. You will take out a student loan and rethink your life....ya i will...wait! no i won't! suck it! Well i fell for the first one, to the point where i can't go to work tomorrow because the children will be exposed.
This whole swine flu thing is getting out of control. We are all scared we have it, when it's just a COLD! Best part is, i am not even allowed to say "I don't really feel sick, my mom is just paranoid." Nope. not at all. And it's not even just my mom! It my dad and brother too. They are just bandwagon hypochondriacs. For crying out loud.
Can you say..."not gonna happen?"

Gifts are hard in my family. No matter how many hints i have dropped, i will some how always end up with a towel. Now i don't mean to say that i haven't gotten some sweet gifts that i have wanted...not at all. I remember when i wanted a bike. I got a bike. Cd player. Cd player.
No, i just mean to say that with my parents, they cannot be trusted to take mental notes of something you noticed one time, or "I thought this would look good on you" or "Jesus told me to get you these hot pair of shoes." Nope that does not happen. You must be open and honest with what you want, where to purchase it and if there is anyother place that it may be aquired for a cheaper price.
Anyways, my birthday is coming up and of course, when put on the spot, i have no idea what i want. ...A...swim suit? But right here and now i want to state that this present would be SWEET to get for my 22nd birthday!!
But let me just tell you right now it's not gonna happen. In the words of the Irish guy that gets shot in titanic, I'm more likely to have angel flyin' out of me arse that to get close to the likes of her.
Can i just point out one thing. I am reading Farenheit 451 right now....and this thing's name is "Kindle." like fire kindling?? WTF. so it begins.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Birthday Crimes

Today is my good friend Jen's Birthday! Well, Jen isn't that into birthdays, but were having none of that. So this morning our brilliant liar Cassy called jen saying "My car won't start and I need a ride to my work meeting." Jen is a really nice person so she got out of bed at 6:50 in the morning to help out a friend.
Meanwhile i was standing under the stairs with a blanket, waiting to pounce. We kidnapped her and took her to Ihop- A holy place for breakfasts.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
It's in the Bag
Would you look at this adorable homemade bag??? I won this off of a blog give away (one of my new favorite ways to score free stuff). I have used it almost everyday and it is simple and goes with just about everything i own and is big enough for school folders. I keep my role in it and my ipod and wallet and a bunch of other crap. check out this etsy shop for more cool hand-made stuff. Harp on the owner to make more bags and then buy then super cheap!
Karinaink - That's "Karina Ink"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Most mysterious of all is the boy lead Nullah. His commetment to the role, surpased some of the best child actors. Playing the role of a half abiriginal, half white, grandson to a magic man but raised in constant fear of being taken away from you family and "civilized" all the while watching those closest to you fall to the dangers of Australia, would not be an easy role for the most trained actors. This little boy does it with ease.
Baz Lurhman films always carry and follow a fancinating arch, beginning with the wimsical and ending with some of the most scream out loud moments, i have ever experience in film. Australia is garunteed to take you beyond the happy ending and never leave you wanting more... in a good way.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Good Deeds
Yesterday at lunch time ( Duty more like, Alex and I stand there and makesure the kids behave.) I was noticing all the different cliques. I am not much of a clique follower myself so it was strange to actually notice them. There was a table of boys, two tables of the ethnic girls, a table of siblings, the skater boys, the "weird" boys, and the white girls who are all in my class. Then i noticed one girl sitting completely by herself.
I couldn't let this pass. What good is a teacher or someone to look up to if you don't do anything that anyone can look up to. So i went over to my drama girls and i asked if they knew her. Of course they said no. I suggested maybe asking her to eat with them. One girl said, ya i'll do it tomorrow. I thought well that's really all i can do.
Then i see Sierra...the shyest girl in the class walk right over to her and invite her to sit with them. I wanted to cry i was so touched. She didn't wait, and in a way i felt like she didnt' even do it cause i told her to. I love kids. Just when you think you see the shyest girl in the class, she up andputs her self out there. Why? For kindness. Inherint kindness. This is why i love shy people.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Blogoal- Alice a teacher??? waahhhh????
Today's Drama class was FANTASTIC. These kids are fantastic!! so fun. There are eleven of them. shoot! i really meant to ask how old they are btu i keep forgetting. they are 7-9th grade. I am not sure how old that makes them. But here they are a quick descriptions
Rush: a little tike with so much energy. It's not hard to get him to talk but hard to get him to say something nice. I think he's one of those kids that just needs some love.
Chelsea: Oh man can this little girl talk. She loves it! She is always so willing to get up there and do a scene, not matter what. I partnered these two together today for a scene and then afterwards they wanted to do it again.
Sierra: she is so shy but she got up and did a scene with me today and did soooo fantastic. I was so proud of her. I loved it.
Aimee: This little girl seems shy but already feels comfortable infront of the people. I need to help her understand that she can look at her partner though. She has the most beautiful hair!
Lauren: I am really excited to get to know this one,. She didnt' say a word but at soon as she did her scene with Rusty jumping out of a you shoul dhave seen the tactics flying!
Rusty: Such a tough persona but wait...oh he is complimenting everyone. So much energy
Donavan: This kid is so cool. Holy good actor. never been in a play or anything but he just knocked it out of the park.
David: hahaha. Oh man. he is halarlious. So creative.
Starla: she gave me my favorite moment of the day. "Mars" you had to be there. she is hilarious. I am excited for the one act and what she'll do with the part.
Ray: He is sooo observant. He deffiantely won for best comments today
Shoot i might be forgetting one person. THat's ok. I have more to say later tonight.
Stay tuned for Lunchroom love and No good deed goes unnoticed.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
My Bachelor's of Fine Art Senior Show
But a couple days ago i got the official word that i will be in my senior show!!! i can't tell you what a relief it was to hear this. A senior show works like this, the acting committee choses from the season of show which ones will be the senior project. Then the Committee decides which one your will be in and also which part you will play. This part is chosen to stretch you in your acting...aka make it really hard for you.
My Senior show will be...
ABSENT FRIENDS by Alan Ayckborne
I will be playing the part of Evelyn- a really reserved character with questionable morals. It's gonna be so much fun! Rehearsals start the 8th of septembe so i am sure you will be hearing more.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My Favorite Blog in the World- The Best Blog Ever
My Simple Wonders
Incase you can't see the resemblence (haha wink wink) THis is my sister's blog. She's great and I love her. Right now i am at her house in Colorado for the blessing of her newest edition Zachary. I am having a blast already. Free Krispy Creams and jumpin on the tramp with my nephews. They taught me how to do a front flip!!! cha ching. This morning JAred and Adam came and sat on my lap whilst i read the newspaper...mostly the theatre reviews. Then we looked at all the movies out and they read to me the words they knew. So cute. My nephew Noah just repeats everything you say. It's like a walking britney song. For example: I am hungry (noah: HUNGRY!) LEt's eat some Chicken (Noah: CHICKEN!) Ilove Noah (Noah: NOAH!)
More hilarious stories to come
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Quotes from the semester...just a few
"We are a match made in the Bishopric's office." -Mark Evans, my FHE husband referring to our coupling
"Argggg! Knives! Scary part down!"-Alice, after cutting herself while unloading the silverwear
"It's the angry tap dance number."-Natalie, referring to Forget About the Boy in Millie
Alice: How does a man handle chicken?
Jack: We throw around and cut it any way we want
"I smell so good I'm turning myself on."- Alice
Alice: (knocking on the door) I have to tell you something.
Natalie: just a minute
Alice: well in a minute I will have put pants on
"I wanna stalk ____!"-Natalie
"The next time you see me my face will been ravaged by tears."- Natalie
"And then I decided all I really want in life is Keri Russel."-Lane
"You don't expect to stay clean when you're fighting the scum of Gothom."-Daryl
"I don't want a snowball named scott."-Natalie
Thayne and Ben: Your hair looks nice
Alice: Really? Cause I feel like I have Trailer trash bangs
"I had a dream I was Harry was a stressful night."-Natalie
Natalie: My Dad is like 6' 1"
Alice: Hot!
"Marriage is the key to sex-I MEAN SUCCESS... success...marriage is the key to sex- I MEAN SUCCESS!"-Thanius
"She just keeps my hands warm. I want my whole body warm." -Ben-jammin'
"Did you just punch me in the face?"- Natalie
"...and then I thought to myself, "What are the benefits of bulimia?"-Alice
"One time we lost our fish down the disposal... we couldn't save him."- Natalie
"Coco-motion, you never let me down. (Silence) EFF!!!"- Suzanne
"It's the terrorism bell." -Natalie
"Let's ruin patty's life." -Natalie
"That's the point of Christmas to seduce people."-Suzanne
"What?! I'm a prophetess! Brother Thompson was right." - Alice
"Why are poeple having fun?"- Natalie
"I can see you marrying someone with a hat like that."-Alice
"Ya if we're playing Tornado Tounge Twister that's gonna arouse my passions."- Ben-Jammin'
"I don't like how he's's bad."-Lane
"Look @ you. It's all wifey in here."- Suzanne
"I feel so silly right now, but really cool."-Natalie
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blasts from the past
I could not have had a better time. I didn't even need sarah there to feel comfortable. We laughed and laughed. To be honest i was surprised how well i knew them all. I could laugh at inside personality jokes and most of all I got to talk about sarah with the people who know her the best. We talked about how her little brother has removed everything from sarah's room and claimed it as his. I can just imagine sarah's reaction to this and joked with her mother about who would be the lucky one to tell her. I guess it will take place sometime during the Mother's day call.
We made fantastical plans (at least for me) about going with them to pick her up in Italy. I am going to use eevrything in my power to make this come to fruition. I just can't express how good of a time i had. It was so great to see them. It was seriously to the point where i got a little choked up whensaying goodbye. I knew it would be a year. And most deeply i knew that they equalthe closest thing to sarah that i can have. I love her and seeing family was sooo great!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My First Play Review Mention.,5143,705298805,00.html
"AS YOU LIKE IT," Hale Center Theater Orem, 225 W. 400 North; now through May 23; directed by Christopher Clark; phone 226-8600 (running time 2 hours 20 minutes, with one 10-minute intermission)
OREM — From the moment of entering the theater and getting a glimpse of the beautifully painted forest on the walls, you know this is going to be interesting.
Add that to the introduction of "Brownie" the bear in a Chuck E. Cheese-type outfit, and you get a good sense that it's not going to be Shakespeare in the traditional sense of the word.
However, that's not to say this production departs from the Shakespearean mode so dramatically that those who love the Bard will be unhappy.
The story line — convoluted as it is — follows Rosalind and Celia through their various adventures quite accurately.
The fun comes from the delivery of some of the lines and the posturing of many of the characters, particularly those in masks and animal costumes. (The pigs, the sheep, the goats, the horse, the dog and the snake all add comic relief.)
It's a step outside the usual for Hale Center and a bit of a risk to take with audiences who generally are over 50.
he story is introduced and re-introduced after the intermission, so people unfamiliar with "As You Like It" can keep track as the Duchess kicks out the Duke, keeps Rosalind as a companion for her daughter, banishes Rosalind, who disguises herself as a man and consorts with her beau Orlando as a member of the opposite gender, returns to her father and resolves all the couple issues — a story that twists and turns on its ear with various subplots and characters running through it all the while.
The individual characters are very well-developed and played with depth throughout.
Rosalind, played by Becca Ingram (MWF cast) is outstanding and creates a very sympathetic character. Celia, played by Becky Witham Walling (also MWF cast), is also a choice casting.
Page Petrucka, playing the part of Audrey the shepherdess (MWF), is wonderful and very funny, as is Alice Johnson who plays Phebe. Watch her woeful face as she realizes in the end where her fate in love is cast.
The men playing Orlando (Jason Sullivan, single cast), Jacques (Alex Ungerman, TThS cast), William (Jason Evans, single cast) and the Duke (Eric Glissmeyer, single cast) are also very good.
Davey Morrison (usually in the TThS cast) deserves special mention, as he takes on the role of Le Beau, as well as numerous animals. He is so uninhibited.
The only exception to the rule is Mark Oram (single cast as Touchstone), who needs just a little more mellowing into his role as the fool.
Everyone handles the Elizabethan dialogue well. The lines are understandable and clear. There is no hesitation, no misstep.
The musicians, who are on stage the entire time with a cello and a violin, add a nice touch.
The blocking and choreography is well done for the small stage, especially since movement never stops.
There's clearly been an effort made to keep this show upbeat, light and fast-paced, so people don't lose interest.
In addition, the costuming is — as always — gorgeous. The masks add humor and interest.
So does the interaction with the audience.
This is a show that ought to be given a chance.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I am sad to admit that i love being told what to do (except when people are shhhing me, i hate that). The best date i went on was when someone ordered for me. there is a running joke in my family that i am always the last one to order. It's hard for me to make a decision unless forced. Whether big or small, they all suck.
But...Here are some decisions that i stand firm in, that come to me without question.
1-Love is an unalterable decision in my life.
-I choose to love and be loved.
2-I need someone that will be a strength in my life. Recently i have thought about some decisions family members have made and their effects on the mother of this family. I never want to experience these effects standing on my own foundation as a mother without a companion's roof over my head. I will never settle for less dang it.
...That's all i got for now.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Free Basket of Homemade Crafts
Karen exclaims, "i need an uncomplicated name. something short and simple. if you come up with my new name i will send you a little extra pick-me-up in the mail. something that signifies my love of cute packaging, spring, and baskets! good luck!"
So there you have it. Good Luck!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Roommate: Suzanne
Very true. Love you Suzanne.
Long Time, No blog
The beauty that is Karen:
My sister has 3 boys and one on the way. On top of that she has crazy health problems that had to have come from her rich birth mom, who i imagine to be french. Karen will inherit all her money when she dies at which time Karen will buy me a slurpee machine that was promised to me since a was a young tike. When every i think of strength, I think of my sister. Try this one on for size- try being allergic to everything!
one thing about my sister that sometimes freaks me out is how much she understands about me! holy cow. This is the order of knowledge of top people who know/understand me most from least to greatest:
5.Big guy upstairs
The amazing sexiness of Nancy:
Hot. I love my sister. I have no doubt she could have her own show on Comedy Central. It makes me feel best when i make her laugh cuase i know how funny she is. Sometimes when i need a pick me up i'll call her for the specific reason to make her laugh, this builds up my self-confidence/self-love. hehe. Next week we are going to Thriving ivory and in one month (today) BRITNEY! ahahahaha! One thing i would like to say about Nancy is her husband Jesse. They are so cute. Of course all Karen and her husband are cute but that's more of a halarious cute. I just love their relationship. They are adorable. They are so sweet and loving to my three adorable nephews.
Overall i am so grateful for having these beautiful women in my life.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Best morning text ever!
Nancy: I am driving home from work and i look to my left and tehre is a LITTLE PERSON running across the street dressed in black! and the first thing i think OMG i am glad alice is not driving here. she would freak out and wreck! Seriously it was so weird i had to pull over and tell you right now.
Alice: Holy Crap! i wouldn't be about to handle that. Were they TRYING to die?! i was just talking about little people in my dream. how weird!
nancy: It was just one guy and he was in black and it was so wierd. for i second i thought he was like a goblin or something. you would have died.
Nancy: That last text was exactly 160 characters. Just try to do that
Alice: That is the freakiest thing i have ever heard. and people say my fear is irrational! take that! I turned on my radio and thriving ivory was playing. Good mornin
Alice: 160
Nancy: LOl you too!
Nancy: Lets have talks like this every morning. I am wide awake! every morning we'll both say one reason why midgets are creepy. By the way midget ws in my predictive text. Samsung is prejudice!
Nancy: holy crap i am cracking up! midget is in mine too! came right up. first option. LOL ok talk to you every morning:) britney tickets came yesterday!
Nancy: OMG 160 again totally on accident! i am a text savant!
Alice" HAHA and kelly just came on the radio! best morning ever! ah just wet myself caust i am so happy. I wonder if midgets have as much bladder control as real people. JK!!!
Nancy: AS REAL PEOPLE?? YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO HELL FOR SURE! a hell filled with midgets demons chasing you for eternity.
Alice: I WOULDN'T BE SUPRISED! just kidding i know they're real people. Hey quit frontin! blame the media! seriously. try and name one movie in which midgets are not either beating someone up or being sneaky!
Nancy: being sneaky :) that is funny. that one was running around in the dark dressed in black. maybe he is a cat burgler.
Alice: HAHA! no something sneakier. babies. have you checked on connor and riley this morning?
Nancy: ya i got home they were in my room watching fox thirteen news.
Nancy: they can turn the TV on but not change the channel :)
Alice: haha it's going to be a great day.
this was the best morning ever.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
For the love of Britney
I love britney spears and am not been ashamed of it. It just feels so good to declare!
I first remember hearing her...ok so maybe not exactly but i am pretty sure My sisters told me about her and then i heard her on Radio Disney. someone requested her song but couldn't remember her name. HA! you'll never forget it now. Thank you sisters of mine.
I'll even admit that i watched the Opps i did it again video over and over when i was little to learn the dance moves. My old bird Petree loved it everytime i played oopps i did it again. He would freak out and start singing to it.
To date: I have Britney's collected works save for her greatest hit CD; my birthday's in july. This doesn't apply to Nancy seeing as she is taking me to see her in April, which i am peeing my pants about! ahhh! It only took me like what?? ten years???
So there you have it. Britney is hot and she's my favorite.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
25 Random Things
2. At my first swim meet I was so nervous that I dove in and just started kicking! Sadly I forgot that I was supposed to be doing breast stroke and was DQed
3.I have been a fan of britney spears since my sister first bought me the CD when i was twelve
4.I have a dented rib...seriously, it slopes in.
5. One time when i was little and on the kiddy swings at lagoon, I wanted to see what would happen if i flipped my mom off. I did. All i remember was her face went from" Hi Alice! I love you!" to "What did my little girl just do???!!!"
6.The highlight of my day is eating. i am so sad when it's over cause then it is soooo long till i get to eat next.
7. When I talk about a guy i think is cute or have a crush on or something that makes me really happy...My eyes water.
8.I have broken five bones. Arm (jumping out of the swings at Gmas), Nose (a kid in Elementary school ran into me), Finger (flirting), Finger (slammed in a door...5 stitches too)...i always forget teh last one. OH!! Foot ( dancing. I fell off the stage)
9.I am really good at keeping secrets for other people but seem to have a disfunction where i can't keep them about myself.
10. My dream callings are Girls camp director and FHE MOM.
11. as a result from watching willow at a very young and skewed age, I was terrified of little people for a good portion of my life. Seriously, name a movie in which they are not attacking someone.
12. I sleep with my blanket covering everything but my mouth. i never leave on trips without my comforter. It's heaven in blanket form.
13. I have had three injuries where the wounds came out like smily faces, inlcuding eyes. and yes i have pictures to prove it 1) my sister dropped a straightener on my foot. 2) Shot with a very powerful paintball 3) slammed my finger in a door and it cut it in half.
14. I was almost demolished my a falling tree in the forest!!!
15. When i was little my brother told me that there were gremlins in the Downstair bathroom. I can't tell you how many years of my life were spent upstairs because of that lie.
16. I grew up in Littleton, Colorado.
17. I was the technology student of the year at my high school
18. i have a talent where i can bounce my quads to "Eye of the Tiger"
19. I have never died my hair
20. i can bend my fingers backward to make a 90 degree angle from my palm
21. I love love love Halo 3! I adapt my "run out and shoot everyone even if it means you have to sacrafice yourself" policy when i enjoy such activities as paintball and laser tag, which i love as well.
22. I want to be purposed to under a willow tree at dusk
23. One time when i was little my brother walked in on my trying to hypnotize our dog.
24. I love animals- monkeys are my favorite Ever since i saw an article about helper monkeys with a picture of a monkey feeding a woman pudding.
25. The only thing that can capture my attention more than a good moive or play is children
Monday, January 19, 2009
What the blog?!
1)My mom is now on facebook
2)I meant Bronco Mendenhall and apparently was the only one to freak out about it.
3)Thinking about the fact that i actually made and consumed a grilled PB&J with chocolate chip sandwhich.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Rollllll....BOUNCE! Classico skating con Rebecca

Monday, January 12, 2009
Classes and work and life and love and other L Lollypops
I did this because i need to focus on ACTF and getting a job. Speaking of which, I had an interview/audition today. I was offered this interview at the MTC for being an investigator. They really want Actors to help the missionaries get really into it. I am suprised how into i got! really...i felt like i was in my house and i had completely no idea what was going! HA! it was really fun! I don't know yet if i have the job but i am very hopful. If not...meh. Something else for me. But lets just face it. I need money.
Life is so good. I love my suesical and NAtalIE. They are so good to me. I am just constantly laughing. My ward is so fun and the new bishop rick is HIlarious.
Love...hmmm. love it. how fun it is. Let's address this subject later when i have an idea of what da heck be goin' on. boo! I really like a thought that came to me as us roommates bonded, as we do, "It's really hard to imagine a man that is going to be worth all this." My roommates have informed me that i am really bad at being hard to get. This i know to be true. I dont know what it is about me but i am going to assume it is a good quality. i just need to learn to be more assertive and say no! I'll say something on this subject. Boys...what the crap. be a man. dont ask a girl to do something with you and then pansy out of any responsibility like location and rides. come on men. That's something a GIRLFRIEND should OFFER. hmmmm Not impressed, we are. (that was yoda incase you didn't get it) This is really a lot of information...but let's be honest. I write a lot. Maybe one of my loved ones will read it.
Lollies. i love them. Onestop, how i love you and the sugar you give a stressed out woman.
What to blog...what to blog
Last week (the first week of school) was Hilarious because it was non stop!!! my crazy days in which class ended at three and 11 went til like 7 at night! good grief. The most stressful time was because i was scrambling to get all my Scenes for ACTF taken care of. I found them, cut them and got the rights all in under 12 hours.. SHEESH!
One day when walking to school...and this is funny... I saw someone from a distance. The funny this about this was that i recognized this person and certain waves of anger or sadness or anything could have knocked me flat. Nope! not this mind. The first think that popped into my head was none other than the dear words of our Sweedish best friends : I was cheated by you and i think you know when! So i made up my mind it must come to an end. Look at me know...."
You get the point. Right after this all my greek servants jumped out from behind the tennis courts and we did a dance number. This is my life.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Story of a Cookie.
Brian Stokes Mitchell Cookie
I just thought i would finish up the story of my lover, Brian Stokes Mitchell. We had a great couple of weeks. Then one day I went check on him and I found a horrific sight. I found my dear lover of a cookie limbless in the bag.
I felt in order to honor the memory of this dear cookie, I had to do the impossible. Slowly I brought Brian to my mouth and with a heartfelt flex of my jaw muscle, i bit down eating his left arm....mmmm....then his legs...oooo...then his head. are so tasty. That's right everyone!!!( and by everyone I mean Karen-my only true reader who leaves good comments) this cocoa frosted cookie of mine was just as delicious as he looked.