Steven #1: I love this kid. Skinny. You would see him in a alternative acoustic band wearing skinny jeans and vans. He has the prettiest eyes! We share frustrations about belting together. It's a nice bonding tool
Steven #2: I don't know much about this steven except that he is married, we are facebook friends and i am highly entertained by the faces he makes when he sings. Really nice guy
Alden: Alden has the look of an attractive punk rocker than you would throw your under garmets at attending one of his concerts. But on the other hand he has that classic look so he is a totally gentleman. i am pretty sure the "big boys" in my major are extremely intimidated by his confidence and looks. I love to see them weak. haha jk...not really.
Elton: Married. Brazilian...or so he claims. Alden and I have a pact to blackmail him into singing our songs for us. We will threaten to deport him. This guy can sing like Ewan Mcgregor. No joke. He sang "My song"...ya that's right! by Elton john. he can belt like nobodies business. It's known that if we can't do it, Elton can. Well! i can have babies...can you do that Elton? Ya! didn't think so. what now?
Stephen#3: I have a problem with this ste(ph)(v)en. You see...everytime this one opens his mouth and exudes the heavenly sound that is his voice I begin to giggle uncontrollably. If someone knows me really well they will know that if i talk about something i really like or experience the same my eyes water. So here i am sitting in my chair eyes watering and giggling like a 12 year old. Maybe it's because he sounds like josh groban...singing to me within touching distance. No touchy! bad alice!
This stephen deserves a second paragraph. Today we spent an hour after class singing and hanging out. he helped me so much!! (hence the learning so much) I finally sounded right and felt the placements. Man he can sing...Here is the thing my friends, he has a girlfriend. I am pretty sure i would have a little girl crush on him if he didn't have one so i am actually quite glad that i don't cause i enjoy his friendship.
(ya that's right 3rd paragraph) AND!!! another good thing is because, I don't know if anyone knows this about me but, I have BAD LUCK with boys that have girlfriends. Actually the truth is that i have good luck with taken boys. that is bad! I won't go into my examples but if you are a close enough friend, ask me to tell you the stories someday. Anyways. Sad day. It would be like having my own personal Josh Groban. That's ok. I can still listen to him, both josh and my friend stephen.
Other media music majors i must mention are Rachel and Heather. Beautiful beautiful girls! I love them so much! I don't really have stories about them save for the fact that we have so much fun and they laugh at me when i giggle and hug myself anytime Stephen sings. so there you have it my loved ones, Music 161 with acting and media music majors.