Friday, October 31, 2008

Music 161 Voice Technique...Alice's happy place

I love love love my voice technique class. I am learning so so so much...well i feel like a learned more today than i ever have. I'll explain in the Stephen # 3 section. But first i would love to share why i love the class so much. I am so happy in this class, it's like a release of the real world. Even when i am ridiculously frustrated i just am so happy. The happiest i have felt all semester. (toobad the semester will end!) i feel like I can totally be myself in this class unlike all my other acting classes. I think it is merely because there are non-Acting major in it. Media music people are my new favorite people. I mostly hang out with a group of 5 men that amazingly awesome. This is basically what i wrote to sarah but i will write it here because it is humorous and i love to humor.

Steven #1: I love this kid. Skinny. You would see him in a alternative acoustic band wearing skinny jeans and vans. He has the prettiest eyes! We share frustrations about belting together. It's a nice bonding tool

Steven #2: I don't know much about this steven except that he is married, we are facebook friends and i am highly entertained by the faces he makes when he sings. Really nice guy

Alden: Alden has the look of an attractive punk rocker than you would throw your under garmets at attending one of his concerts. But on the other hand he has that classic look so he is a totally gentleman. i am pretty sure the "big boys" in my major are extremely intimidated by his confidence and looks. I love to see them weak. haha jk...not really.

Elton: Married. Brazilian...or so he claims. Alden and I have a pact to blackmail him into singing our songs for us. We will threaten to deport him. This guy can sing like Ewan Mcgregor. No joke. He sang "My song"...ya that's right! by Elton john. he can belt like nobodies business. It's known that if we can't do it, Elton can. Well! i can have babies...can you do that Elton? Ya! didn't think so. what now?

Stephen#3: I have a problem with this ste(ph)(v)en. You see...everytime this one opens his mouth and exudes the heavenly sound that is his voice I begin to giggle uncontrollably. If someone knows me really well they will know that if i talk about something i really like or experience the same my eyes water. So here i am sitting in my chair eyes watering and giggling like a 12 year old. Maybe it's because he sounds like josh groban...singing to me within touching distance. No touchy! bad alice!
This stephen deserves a second paragraph. Today we spent an hour after class singing and hanging out. he helped me so much!! (hence the learning so much) I finally sounded right and felt the placements. Man he can sing...Here is the thing my friends, he has a girlfriend. I am pretty sure i would have a little girl crush on him if he didn't have one so i am actually quite glad that i don't cause i enjoy his friendship.
(ya that's right 3rd paragraph) AND!!! another good thing is because, I don't know if anyone knows this about me but, I have BAD LUCK with boys that have girlfriends. Actually the truth is that i have good luck with taken boys. that is bad! I won't go into my examples but if you are a close enough friend, ask me to tell you the stories someday. Anyways. Sad day. It would be like having my own personal Josh Groban. That's ok. I can still listen to him, both josh and my friend stephen.

Other media music majors i must mention are Rachel and Heather. Beautiful beautiful girls! I love them so much! I don't really have stories about them save for the fact that we have so much fun and they laugh at me when i giggle and hug myself anytime Stephen sings. so there you have it my loved ones, Music 161 with acting and media music majors.

A few things....

So today is Halloween. Whoop tee do. What will I be? a 50 year old woman who is obesessed with dogs and talks to her dead mother. aka. i have rehearsal. :)
I would much rather do this that do what i would be doing...a big fat load of nothing! Oh wait, i will be taking a quiz for new testament. I should have been studying today but i sent yet another letter/package to sarah in the MTC. Earlier this week i sent her and enge candy and letters. Then the next day i got a letter from sarah (or i checked the mail and got a letter from sarah). Then again today I sent her chapstick and a letter. The truth is that a cute boy mailed my package the first i am determined to be a better support to sarah and send her more packages ;).
I am ridiculously amazed at how much I love writing sarah. I can't fit enough in! And i end up writing her all week, adding stuff last minute as i did today. Maybe it's because i miss her so can't be it. ha! Anyways I get sad because i don't get to see her reaction to my letters. I love love love her letters. They make me crack up! And mostly i write her all of my stories. For example: My voice technique class. See other post

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The random things of life....

This semester i have started writing down when someone says something to me that i think to be hilarious. These are the types of things that lead me to believe that occasionally we step out of "normal" life and merge into the world of prime-time sitcoms/dramas.

For example...I cannot express to you how often i notice the natural comedic timing life has
THis is a recent phone conversation i had with my nephew
Me: Schuyler! you have a girl Friend
Schuyler: yeah (in a very "too-cool-for-school" fashion)
Me: well...tell me about her.
Schuyler: well...she's OBSESSED with me
me: (after a fit of giggles) she's obsessed with you?
Schuyler: that's what everyone tells me
Me: have you kissed her yet
Schuyler: No(said it what only can be described in a reaction as if i had killed the pope)
Me: have you held her hand yet?
Schuyler: well she tricked me into once.

Why can't all relationships be like this?? oh ya that's right because most relationship are based off of love and trust...not obsession and tricking someone to hold you hand. Although i do think this wouldhelp some relationships. :) ...til next time. Ask me about this one
Me:How's that girl?
Man: well i would break up with her but she makes me cookies! (one hour later he was asking me to make him cookies...he just wants me for my bod)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Disney Princess Qualities

Prepare yourself...this post is going to get a bit concieted.

Lately I have been noticing that most of the compliments i recieve revolve around a certain topic. ok not all the compliments but My eyes and my bangs and hair are constantly reminding people of disney princesses. For example : "Alice i always love your bangs! they look like The little mermaid's bangs." And then I ask myself, "In or out of the water?"
I mean check these puppies out! even whilst kissing this hunk of a man they still potrude a good three inches from her face....i'll take it.

Does anyone recall Princess Jasmine? I submit the only two differences between her eyes and mine are that mine are blue and I go squinty eyed when i smile.
other such qualitiesinclude: ability to speak to animals, incredible cleaning skills, and the ability to woo men within in days.

but last! My favorite princess is pocahontas...what do we remember about pocahontas besides her undying devotion and loyalty....her hair and awesome clothes....I present the following proof.

Apparently i am the live action version of the Disney princess Walt forgot to create. Any suggestions of a name and story?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

They say that breaking up is hard to do...

Saying goodbye is hard. Just in the past couple of months I have said goodbye to a total of 4 of some really good friends. This blog is dedicated to the beauty that is Sarah Hughes, my best friend.
Sarah went into the MTC today. I wouldn't have done anything differently. She flew on tuesday after which i joined her family for a tradition last meal: Family style chinese food at the Chinatown Resturant. After that Sarah's family gave me the best present. I skipped rehearsal and Sarah and I spent the whole night just hanging out and talking. The next day i skipped class. Sarah went in at 12. We pretended that I was her sister and I got to join the family in seeing sarah off.

Dang! So hard! I don't really have a good track record either. These are my experiences with the MTC :

1) my sister went to baltimore. I didnt' go to the MTC cause i was too heart broken. Instead i layed on my Gma's couch, cried and watched her cable tv...I assume it was animal planet.
2)Seeing my brother off. Freak! I thought that was the hardest...just it comes
3) Sorella Hughes. I am pretty sure i cried harder than her parents. I felt bad. Oh well. I got my hug and stepped out of the way for the family time. Just when i thought it would be 18 months before i talked to her, she reached out and grabbed my hand. I told her i would wait for her and that i would see her in white. She replied that she would save me a spot in line for the ferris wheel (Charly reference...a very deep inside joke we share). She exited and took another look and she gave one more wave. Thats when it really set in. Something happened the minute we left the crying room and my first thought was that I had to tell sarah! HA! she'll have to wait a week.
Sarah has been the best friend that i have ever had. I can't begin to describe what her friendship has meant to me. I love her...and most importantly i know more than anything what preaching the gospel means to her. I am so excited for her to finally have the opportunity to help people in a greater way than all the rest...this has been one of her lifelong goals. I know more that we will be friends for life and nothing will change that. 18 months, psh!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sleeping Girl!!! the newest addition to heroes.

I have a new superhero power. I can sleep through anything. I have yet to test my powers to their full extent but alas i feel i owe this to genetic mutation caused by exhaustion. Here are some examples of my mutation:

1) I plopped myself down on this comfy carpet in the HFAC one day to memorized lines. The next thing i know my partner is waking me up 45 min later to rehearse. I hadn't change positions, the room was empty and my hand was numb from using it as a pillow.

2) In my classical voice class we are learning heroic build. It includes taking a ridiculously long speech and building in pitch and intensity with every line. By the middle of the speech you are basically yelling (but supported as not to develope vocal aspen grove!) Alas I fell asleep in class sitting up right while students exclaiming about crispian.

3) I'll shorten this one. Today was yoga. I got through three yoga moves before my friend was waking me up at the end of class. did my teacher care? ha! no. I love my major. He understood that I was taking 17 credits, in rehearsal 5 days a week, it's mid-terms, and that i am on campus from 8 til ten! yowsa!

The evolution of my opinion on pants

Let's beg a question. If I had the choice of wearing pants....ok this is stupid. I don't like pants. That's right, Alice is a raving anti-pant...ite. My condition in the past has been to the level where without thinking and not by my own accord i will walk in my apartment and proceed to remove my pants. My old roommates of course were used to this. My roommates at aspen grove however would have to accept the fact that I would very often give them a free show. IN FACT!!! I take my pants off in my sleep. I feel since we are sharing i must include this. Yes, that's right my friends. Alice periodically wakes up with out pants!

ok to the point. This semester i have lived in sweats. I love sweats. It's like they aren't there. But here is where the evolution takes place. I also love to look cute. I don't know if any one knows this but it is hard to look cute in sweats...well...unless you are me. hehe. But anyways I have found myself changing back into my cute clothes knowing full well that i will only take them off again in an hour. Clothing schedule for TTH is thus: 8-pjs to normal clothes 9- change into BYU issue to pump some iron 11- Normal clothes 12- Yoga clothes 1-normal 10-pjs

And there you have it. I never thought i'd say it...but i am sick of getting naked all day.