Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The random things of life....

This semester i have started writing down when someone says something to me that i think to be hilarious. These are the types of things that lead me to believe that occasionally we step out of "normal" life and merge into the world of prime-time sitcoms/dramas.

For example...I cannot express to you how often i notice the natural comedic timing life has
THis is a recent phone conversation i had with my nephew
Me: Schuyler! you have a girl Friend
Schuyler: yeah (in a very "too-cool-for-school" fashion)
Me: well...tell me about her.
Schuyler: well...she's OBSESSED with me
me: (after a fit of giggles) she's obsessed with you?
Schuyler: that's what everyone tells me
Me: have you kissed her yet
Schuyler: No(said it what only can be described in a reaction as if i had killed the pope)
Me: have you held her hand yet?
Schuyler: well she tricked me into once.

Why can't all relationships be like this?? oh ya that's right because most relationship are based off of love and trust...not obsession and tricking someone to hold you hand. Although i do think this wouldhelp some relationships. :) ...til next time. Ask me about this one
Me:How's that girl?
Man: well i would break up with her but she makes me cookies! (one hour later he was asking me to make him cookies...he just wants me for my bod)

1 comment:

karen★ said...

K...let me try it again. I cannot believe Schuyler has a girlfriend. He is still only 4 years old and always will be. Thanks for the laughs are lucky to be wanted for your bod (or cookies!) Love You!